Life as Leadership: Where Leaders Gather to Grow Together

Riding the Wave with Tony Guarnaccia
Listen to the Podcast:
Listen to Tony's Podcast Interview on
Host: Josh Friedeman
The Life as Leadership podcast focuses on two things: 1. Learning from great leaders in all areas of life and 2. Developing a community of leaders committed to challenging and encouraging each other to new levels of influence. This show will introduce you to the mindsets, lifestyles, and strategies of entrepreneurs, executives, coaches, and many other leaders in a way that will help any leader accelerate their growth in leadership.

Tony Guarnaccia is widely recognized as an authority on digital marketing and has grown over 10,000 small businesses and a dozen Fortune 500 companies, including ADP, Ford, and AutoNation. He has managed over $400 million in advertising spend and in 2009 earned the prestigious title of Google Partner of the Year. He has returned to his entrepreneur roots and founded Big Fish Results, RESULTS Trained, and the RESULTS Club to bring the same strategy, tactics and resources normally reserved for larger enterprises to small business. He believes that by growing small businesses, together we can impact not just our local communities but also our world.

Find out more about the Faith to Marketplace Leadership Summit and sign up (here).


– Slow down to speed up. In other words, take the time to learn every part well so you can do each one more quickly.
– Three things to ensure momentum: 1. Know what steps to take, 2. Know how to take those steps, and 3. Actually take those steps.
– The difference between great companies and many small businesses is that great companies come up with detailed plans with contingencies, and many small businesses just “wing it.”
– When you don’t have specificity in what you want to accomplish, you won’t stay focused on your work. Essentially, when you know what gaps needs to be filled, your mind will work to fill in those gaps.
– When opportunity arises, be prepared to step up and be courageous enough to take advantage of that opportunity.
– These days, you are not just competing with competitors for attention; you’re just competing for attention.


– What is some lesson, saying, or experience that continues to influence your leadership to this day? “Riding the wave”—be prepared for when opportunity comes.
– Use three descriptors to finish this sentence: “A leader is…” Visionary, clear, and passionate.
– What is a question that leaders should be asking either themselves or others? What value am I adding?
– What book would you recommend to leaders? Lead Like Jesus by Ken Blanchard
– If you could get every listener to start doing something THIS week to help them be a better leader, what would it be? Be conscious of taking a daily step to improve yourself.
– As a general life principle, is it better to ask “why?” or “why not?” “Why not?” because it is important to be bold. “Why?” can lead to paralysis, and “why not?” can open up new opportunities.



Find Tony on social media:
Twitter: (@tony_guarnaccia)
Instagram: (@tony.g.guarnaccia)
LinkedIn: (in/tonyguarnaccia)

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