

Please join me in honoring all of our local Chambers of Commerce for their non-stop effort to create dynamic, healthy business communities for all of us.

National Support Your Local Chamber of Commerce Day is celebrated every year on the third Wednesday of October. This year, that day falls today, October 16th.

I think most small business founders and entrepreneurs are focused typically on growing their own companies.

But the Chambers of Commerce are focused on growing an entire business community which directly benefits all of us, both as business owners and as citizens.

When local businesses grow and thrive, our community benefits through employment, income, and valuable resources.

Have you ever driven down a Main St. with empty storefronts? It can be pretty depressing. But Chambers of Commerce work tirelessly to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Here’s just a small sample of what your local Chamber of Commerce is doing for you!

  • Professional training workshops and seminars to help you grow your business
  • Hosting networking events so you can connect with valuable partners and prospects
  • Lobbying local and state government officials on your behalf
  • Supporting local charity organizations
  • Hosting social events for citizens to experience local businesses
  • Encouraging new industries and companies to join your community

So please add your voice to mine in saying, “Thank you for all that you do” to your local chamber of commerce – #SupportYourLocalChamberofCommerce

If you can’t write a quick thank you, then feel free to share mine and add your own voice!

Or shout out to your local chamber in the comments section below.

Picture of Bill Sheehan

Bill Sheehan

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About Me

Tony has grown over 10,000 small businesses and a dozen Fortune 500 companies, including ADP, Ford, and AutoNation and became the Google Partner of the Year. Later, Tony returned to his entrepreneurship roots to bring the strategy, tactics and resources normally reserved for large enterprises to small businesses. Today, he is focused on bringing that same vision to podcast hosts and guests – to make Podcasting profitable.

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